In the summer of 2019, we collaborated with individual wellness members, including a mental health first aid training provider, family and stress therapist, eco-therapist, neurosuccess coach, a Chaplain, and a suicide prevention recovery and growth coach. Since then, our core team of wellness members has evolved,
We continue to be supported by professional members and work with Mental Health and Well Being Support organisations such a Herts MIND, Samaritans Watford and Three Rivers Trust (W3RT)
Some of our featured Ambassadors are also Wellness Members who are available for consultations Please note the services they provide are in their individual capacity and not on behalf of or for Watford Wellness Club
Members of Watford Wellness Club may use the Free Appointments Facility to engage with the Members
This core team of wellness members has evolved, from bringing in a physical fitness expert to running events. The wisdom provided by guest speakers at our events has been invaluable, learning more about topics as diverse as embedding wellbeing into employment contracts, volunteering, reaching out to the Samaritans, physical fitness as mental therapy, and personal stories of recovery from mental health problems.
Check out our blog to read the latest articles and posts by our members. You'll find all things mental health, and some essential information which can guide you towards your next steps. The information should not substitute any diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. We are all different, remember that. If you need further guidance or advice, consult with a qualified mental health member.